Final Vienna Jammers Performance at Viva Vienna & Memorial Day Choir Performance

The final performances continue. Today was Anna's final performance with the Vienna Jammers. This was their annual Memorial Day performance at the Viva Vienna festival and the town green was crowded. Fortunately, the rain held off and Joe strategically placed himself on the side of the steel pan drums in hopes of actually seeing Anna perform (she is always behind someone tall). See if you can find her in the video . Anna hung out at Viva Vienna between events, doing a quick t-shirt change for choir and a performance at the Vienna Memorial Day ceremony. The master of ceremonies was Gunner Spafford, otherwise known as her friend Victoria's Dad. Viva Vienna is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Vienna and is their largest fundraiser of the year. This was the 40th year of the festival. The program included a Toast to the Colors (complete with the interpreter in revolutionary war regalia), a reading of the winning Rotary Club essay con...