Welcome Benny! |
It was a busy kick-off to the month of June. We began by welcoming Benny to our family.
Since Storm died in March, Theresa & Anna have been obsessively watching rescue sites for possible dogs. There were a lot of requirements and a last Benny appeared. Benny was picked up as a stray in Baltimore, so we don't know much about him. He was at the animal shelter for a couple of months, and no one came for him. Fortunately, Somerset Cottage Poodle Rescue (the same organization who found Storm) sprung him from the shelter. He is a cockapoo estimated to be 8-12 years old. Between the shelter and the rescue, he was neutered, had some minor lumps removed, had a dental treatment with a couple of teeth removed and is up to date on his vaccinations. In short, he had a traumatic few months. The shelter named him Zyan, but we decided that name did not fit him. After an elaborate family voting system designed by Joe, the winning name was Benny.

It is going to take some time for him to adjust to the new routine. He clearly has separation anxiety and has attached himself to Theresa. On Saturday morning, Theresa left for a 7 AM bike ride. Apparently, Benny was not happy to be left and was barking at the door (not the Saturday morning wake-up call Joe and Anna had in mind). He did not eat the first couple of days, but he didn't like the food as later Saturday morning he noticed a bread bag hanging over the edge of the counter. He opened it and ate four hamburger buns (Joe = not happy). On the plus side, he has a very sweet personality and is otherwise laidback. He loves to go on walks (he likes longer ones), hang out in the back yard, meet the neighborhood dogs and is happy to sleep in the dog bed. We switched his food, and he is now very enthusiastic about mealtime. He has definitely brought smiles to our faces.
Here are some of the other happenings of the week:
- Anna was on the news. More specifically she was on the local Fox news morning show performing with the Vienna Jammers as part of their feature on the town of Vienna. This was the first performance in years in which Anna was NOT behind the tallest kid in the group (apparently Ethan could not make it that morning). You can check out the Vienna Jammers on Fox News video.
- It was the last weekend of soccer and Anna's team ultimately lost in the championship game to the other Vienna team. This was the only team they lost to this season. It was a good season and sad to say goodbye to the seniors.
- Anna got her first paycheck from Wolf Trap and discovered that she made more in tips than her hourly rate. If you are there for a concert, stop by the concession stand if she is working and say hello. Tips welcome!
- Swim practice started on May 30 and team activities kick off this weekend. Theresa's term as team treasurer was up and she happily transitioned duties. She will be back to volunteering for other swim meet activities.