School is Out & Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day with Benny
 At long last, school ended on June 16.  This year, in what may be a new record, there were no snow or bad weather days used.  None.  Zero.  No one can remember the last time this happened.  Nonetheless, they decided to stick with the regular school calendar.  Students spent the last week going half days and watching lots of movies (we can debate the value of this week).  Anna is now officially a senior in high school.  Where does time go?

This past weekend was Father's Day.  Joe had a quiet day and almost went to a car show.  Almost means we drove to the car show only to find a line stretching for a couple of miles of other people trying to take their dad to the car show.  We opted not to do that and instead decided to take Benny for his first trip to the local park.  He was very excited and enjoyed a long walk.  We concluded the day with a grilled chicken dinner and homemade almond ice cream for Joe. 

In between the end of school and Father's Day, there were lots of other activities for the week.  Here are some of the highlights:

  • Anna auditioned and made it into the Madison Madrigals choir.  This is an acapella group and the top choir at her high school.  
  • Anna continues Lifeguarding at the pool and working the concession stand at Wolf Trap.  One of the concerts she worked this week was Kenny Loggins.  Her main takeaway from this sold-out show is that people in her parents' age group that go to concerts for popular 80s musicians without their children spend a lot of money at the bar.
  • Last day of Junior Year
    Theresa decided to go to Wolf Trap at the last minute on Friday night for the Broadway Nights concert.  She ended up getting a great ticket from a Filipino lady selling an extra ticket.  There were several Asian members of the audience, and it turns out that o

    ne of the Broadway singers was Lea Salonga, who is Filipino American.  Theresa's new seatmate was a super fan and a big fan of local theater stars who also performed.  It was an educational evening and a fun time.
  • The first swim meet of the season was on Saturday.  The team was moved up to Division 6 this year and it is going to be tough.  The most memorable part of the meet was the breakfast burritos.  On the plus side, swim team social activities began with a driveway party hosted by one of the team families.
  • Anna periodically sings with the youth choir at church, which is led by Mrs. Prince who has taught Anna since 3rd grade.  Mrs. Prince is leaving her role as choir director to focus on her job as a high school choir director at a local Catholic school and a new baby that will be arriving in December.  Sunday was the last mass for Anna with her.  As it worked out, only Anna and one of her high school choir friends, Gianna, showed up.  It should be noted that Gianna sings opera and is a champion soprano in Virginia.  The pianist, Matthew, is home from Oberlin college where he is in the conservatory of music.  What transpired was a mini concert at mass with Anna, Gianna, and Mrs. Prince singing and Matthew on piano.  It was a fitting way to say goodbye to Mrs. Prince, who has always encouraged Anna to further develop her vocal skills.  She will be missed!
  • Monday was Juneteenth, which meant Theresa had the day off.  She used the opportunity to catch up with a variety of friends throughout the day, concluding with dinner with Joe and friends Fefzi and Klara.  

Anna is preparing for her Japan trip and will depart on Thursday, June 22.  Stay tuned for more details!

Mrs. Prince, Gianna & Anna


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