Pandemic Week 67: A Normal Summer Weekend

Anna swimming fly in the relay This weekend was extraordinary in that it was ordinary. It was almost a flashback to what seemed like a long time ago, but it wasn't. What was so special about it? Friday night, we attended the first summer concert series on the Vienna Town Green (featuring the very awesome Navy Cruisers band, which you can check out HERE ). We got take out for dinner. We picnicked. Anna hung out with her friends. This was a Friday night summer tradition pre-pandemic. Saturday was a home swim meet. There was lots of cheering. The deli was open. Joe & Theresa volunteered. Saturday night we went out for ice cream, also a summer tradition. Sunday Anna sang in the youth choir at church. We hung out at the pool (no sign-up sheet for time slots needed). Anna played laser tag with the swim team (previously a tradition). Our neighbor Jackie joined us for dinner. Ag...