Pandemic Week 57: Another Vaccination

A hike at Bull Run
 Good news on the vaccine front - Theresa got her first Pfizer vaccine this week!   Progress!  Fingers crossed that they will be available soon to teenagers so that Anna can get one as well.  Other big news for the week is that Anna will be returning to school four days a week starting April 20.  Yea!  It will be interesting to see how many students return in person versus how many just decide to finish the school year virtually.

In other news, Sunday was a trip to Bull Run Park to enjoy more Virginia bluebells (although we decided those at Great Falls were better).  Anna was also able to catch up with her friend Petra on Saturday at the town green while Theresa hung out with Petra's mom.  It was nice to be outside and enjoy the spring weather.

Here is to a good first week at school.....for four days!



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