Pandemic Week 22: Camp Grandma & Grandpa

 Anna's first week with her grandparents in Ohio was a welcome change of pace.  Grandma and Grandpa had a series of activities planned to keep her occupied.  Anna's week included:

  • Building a decorative outdoor light with Grandpa (power tools were involved)
  • A trip to Amish country to purchase 12 dozen ears of corn, followed by helping Grandma freeze it for the winter.
  • A jewelry making class with one of Grandma's friends
  • A shopping trip with Grandma (social distance with masks)
  • Bike riding with Grandpa on Mom's old bike
  • Driving lessons with Grandpa (you read that correctly)
  • More than one trip to McDonald's

So what were mom and dad doing while Anna was in Ohio?  Theresa worked and Joe tended the garden all while dodging a lot of rain over the course of the week.  In a moment of desperation, they did a tour of Meadowlark gardens in the rain (Anna definitely would NOT want to participate in that).  Other desperate people at the gardens included a wedding party trying to take pictures (not good conditions for a white wedding gown).  Storm is missing Anna and his morning routines with her.

The fun continues for Anna this week.  Joe and Theresa may get crazy and attempt to enjoy restaurant week in the area (or at least the takeout) before heading to Ohio to pick Anna up.  That is of course unless Anna decides to drive home.....


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