Tomato Harvest |
All of Joe's efforts at the garden are paying off. The first big tomato harvest of the season occurred this weekend. This worked out well for a few of our neighbors who also reaped the benefit of our harvest. We enjoyed some delicious pasta dishes and tomato sandwiches, along with just eating them plain. Nothing is better than a fresh picked tomato! No word yet on whether Joe plans to embrace his Italian heritage and can his own sauce.
In other news, Anna had her first (and only) swim meet of the season on Saturday. Oh sure, the meet only consisted of 9 kids and was over within 15 minutes, but at least it was something. The parents cheered from behind the fence....at a sa
Swim "meet" view |
fe social distance. Thanks to some neighbors and the swim coach, they were able to put together practices 3 days a week for small groups. At least Anna got to do some swimming this summer (it helps that it is easier to social distance in swimming). We are crossing our fingers that her winter swim team will find a way to come up with some practices.
The other big event of the weekend was enjoying dinner with Ms. Be and Mr. Fancy in their backyard to celebrate Anna's 8th grade graduation. We were able to social distance outside and enjoy some great food....as always. Ms. Be has taken her garden to a whole new level. It was great to catch up!
Other items of note for the week:
- Anna successfully finished her on-line PE class. Yea!!
- We enjoyed some delicious Indian food, thanks to our neighborhood food truck of the week. One of the neighborhood bands even played in the parking lot of the pool.
- Anna got a very cool graduation card from Aunt Loren....that she painted.
- We held our first family bowling tournament....in the basement. Fortunately we had several water bottles to serve as pins.
This week will be an adventure. We will kick off the week with a tropical storm and plan to end the week with Anna's delayed confirmation (social distance style). Happy August!
Anna, Ms. Be & Mr. Fancy
Card designed by Aunt Loren |