Pandemic Week 6: The Cancellations
Anna prepping to cook stir fry COVID-19 cases in the DC metro area continue to rise - something that was not unexpected. Most folks are wearing masks in public places and the stay at home order remains in effect. While the Maryland & Virginia Governors, along with the DC Mayor, began talking about a phased re-opening, it seems likely it will be the end of May at best. Meanwhile, this week marked the return of on-line school for Anna and a new routine. At the beginning of the week, Anna started each morning with a Mom meeting to go over the assignments for the day. As the week progressed, Anna was late to her meetings (and Mom had other meetings booked for work, so that did not work so well). At the end of the day, work was still not completed, leading Mom to wonder what was going on (she had her suspicions). Thanks to some research by Dad and the handy parental controls on web browsing, it quickly became clear that there was a significant am...