February Renovations
Anna was cleared to paint |
Like all renovations in the Fagella house, they are often delayed because there is not agreement on what exactly to do. There was agreement on what the basement would be used for - a teen hang out area. We started with grand visions of removing the paneling and completely re-doing the basement. After considering the time, money, and effort involved with this idea, we moved to painting the paneling. This would also require a lot of effort that would inevitably domino to other things (ceiling, carpet, etc...)/ We decided that paneling will come back into style as soon as we paint it, so why don't we just clean the paneling? First decision made.
Regardless of what else we decided, at a minimum the basement needed to be cleaned out. This involved Anna going through toys, Theresa also going through her own toys (there are a lot of Barbie dolls) and Joe going through his work stuff (it took some convincing, but he finally relented that his computer manuals were woefully out of date and could be trashed). This was a multiple day effort that yielded many donated items.
In preparation for the arrival of the recliner, it became apparent that the office needed painting (it truly is a domino effect). Thanks to some of the neighborhood open houses, a new paint color was identified and this past Saturday was spent painting the office. Anna's painting skills have advanced to the point that Joe lets her do the edging (Joe is very particular about this so it is to her credit she was cleared for this effort). Her ability to roll the paint was not there yet after lots of splattering (she walked off the job after her supervisor gave her feedback on the quality of her work). When it was all done, the office looked great and is waiting for delivery of the new chair this week.
So, where are the pictures of all of this? Well, it is not done yet. The futon is laying in pieces in the basement because two of the screws were bent. It is also awaiting a new cover....and for Anna to put the IKEA coffee table together. The chair arrives this week. Stay tuned.....