James, Andrew, Luke & Anna on the North Shore |
Thanksgiving 2019 was hosted by Aunt Mary. As always, it was quite a feast (Aunt Mary could have fed at least 30 more people) and the Virginia Fagellas likely took home more food than they brought in courtesy of Aunt Mary's "to go" bags. Aunt Loren and Aunt Lucy were also there, along with James, Luke and Andrew.
Unfortunately, Uncle John was unable to make the trip from Yonkers to Long Island. There were many rumors for why he could not make it ranging from taking a secret trip to Italy to not actually knowing where Long Island is. Joe and Theresa thought it may have something to do with the Yankees not winning the pennant and being unable to face Nationals fans. Joe, Loren, Lucy & Mary contemplated sending an Uber to pick him up. Maybe next time....
There was much lively dinner discussion, including political debates between Aunt Lucy and Joe. We caught up on Luke's adventures in Wyoming, James' adventures among the rich and famous, and as Andrew's plans as he finishes college. In addition to enjoying the scrumptious, food, we also got to enjoy some nice hikes to walk off our food, including a trip to the beach and the Fire Island Lighthouse. Aunt Mary packed the requisite gobbler sandwiches for a day after Thanksgiving trip to the beach. Anna and her cousins climbed to the top of the lighthouse and enjoyed a spectacular view. It was a great November day at the beach.
Loren, Lucy & Mary at the beach....in November |
While Thanksgiving was a treat, the highlight of the trip for Anna was attending her first "friendsgiving." This has become an annual event for James' high school friends (they are currently in their 8th year). Normally, the day before Thanksgiving they meet at James' house for a huge Thanksgiving potluck. This year, the event was delayed until the day after Thanksgiving, which meant James was hosting 28 people for dinner. James invited Anna to join in the festivities, which she was only too happy to do. As the friends filed in, we quickly realized that Aunt Loren was a celebrity as we kept hearing people shouting "AUNT LOREN" followed by hugs all around. Anna was in the middle of the group - chatting up all of the 20-somethings. Mary, Loren, Theresa & Joe went out for dinner - leaving Anna happily sitting next to James at the head of a very large Thanksgiving table. At one point, someone asked her where she went to college (Mom and Dad thought it may be time for her to exit the party at that point).
Fire Island Lighthouse |
It was a great Thanksgiving celebration. A big thanks to Mary and James for making it special.