Anna's Adventures
Delivering cookies If it is February, it must be Girl Scout cookie delivery time! This year, Anna's troop sold far less than in the past (the girls realized they could make more money doing other fundraisers). Anna still has a solid sales base in the neighborhood and got some nice weather to delivery her cookies. Thanks to our neighbors, the Briggs, she also updated her deliver vehicle from a wagon to a granny cart (much easier to push). In addition to neighborhood deliveries, she also is selling at local cookie booths. She and her friend Petra sold outside of the local lacrosse store (there is nothing like high school boys lacrosse players to get the attention of our tween girl scouts). Cookie sales are winding down soon and her troop has a few more sales to do. Speaking of girl scouts, Anna also got to join her troop for indoor sky diving. This was something she always wanted to try and the girls alternated between terror and enjoy...