The End of 6th Grade

End of 6th Grade Pool Party
Today Anna is officially a rising 7th grader!  The school year ended today and the 6th graders celebrated with their annual pool party.  The weather was perfect at 85 degrees and the food was plentiful.  

Anna got to celebrate the end of the school year a little early with the first concert of the season at Wolf Trap Park.  Thanks to her incredibly hip parents, Anna & family attended Fitz & the Tantrums/X Ambassadors on June 7.  Actually, this was Mom's mother's day present, but it also worked to celebrate the final week of school.  It was a fun show AND Anna got to stay out late on a school night.

2018 Teal Tornados
The end of the school year brought the end of other things as well.  Anna finished her soccer season on June 2.  The Teal Tornados lost their tournament game, but still had fun.  Of course when the game is at 8 AM and the girls know that they get doughnuts/breakfast when they are done with all the games.....let's just say they were not so concerned about winning the game.

As was mentioned in a prior post, this is Anna's last year with the marimbas as part of Vienna Jammers.  One of the many cool things they were able to do was film in a studio for a local television program, The Inside Scoop.  The link is below (Anna is in Jammers Black, which starts at about 28 minutes in).  The show is a great overview of the group and you will get to see Anna perform.  If you have a chance, listen to the interview portion with the two little kids (which is quite entertaining).  Anna is excited to move up to Jammers Steel, which is the junior high/high school group.  She is hoping they get to do a road trip next year.  Stay tuned....Anna may be performing at a venue near you!

Happy  Summer!
1st Concert of the Season at Wolf Trap


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