May is always a busy month for Anna. School projects are due. Soccer season is winding down while swimming is beginning. Of course there is just the end of the schools year stuff (end of Jammers, end of Girl Scouts.....you get the idea). Two major events for Anna were the World Civilization Fair and the last concert for Vienna Jammers.
Social Studies in 6th grade focuses on the ancient world, a topic Anna really enjoyed. Each student selects a Greek or Egyptian god or goddess and has a series of projects throughout the school year that feature their choice. The grand finale is the World Civilization Fair for the school, where they have a display and must make a speech about their selection. Anna selected the Greek Goddess Isis. The fair is a lot of fun as all of the students are dressed in costume. It was really interesting to see the choices (and there were some very dark characters). It was a nice way to complete social studies this year.

The other big event for Anna was her last performance with the Vienna Jammers marimba group on Memorial Day at Viva Vienna. This group is by far her favorite extracurricular activity. She really learned a lot and had the opportunity to perform at different venues. A few weeks ago they recorded a session for the Fairfax Public Access station, so she got to do her first studio recording (you can check out the interview with Mr. Reynolds here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=lM5KMG7fWwQ. The marimba ensembles go from 2nd - 6th grade. The good news is there is a steel pan drum ensemble for junior high and high school, which Anna is planning to join next year. The group's final show of the season is at Viva Vienna - the local Memorial Day weekend festival. The entire town turns out for the festival, so after performing she was able to meet up with friends and enjoy the rides and carnival food.
Next event: end of school on June 15!