Enjoying the 1st day of spring |
Either March comes in like and lion and out like a lamb OR March comes in like a lamb and out like a lion. This year has been all lion. We began the month with an epic wind storm (up to 80 mph gusts). The storm resulted in both school AND the Federal government offices closing due to widespread power outages. The next week was met with one of the latest snowstorms in DC history on March 21. Thanks to a whopping 5 inches of snow, school and the Federal government offices closed again (Theresa would like to note that on both occasions both she and her co-workers continued to work via telework, so you can rest assured your taxpayer dollars were well spent). Anna got two days off school for the snow (we know our Midwestern and New England families are laughing at us....it is ridiculous).
On the plus side, Anna did get to try out her toboggan on the neighborhood sledding hill. She also got to watch several movies. Storm was very excited about the snow and really enjoyed playing in it. Maybe that is where he got his name. The advantage to the spring storm is it melts quick. By day two, 80 percent of the snow was gone. That is the way to deal with a snowstorm!
Selling girl scout cookies at CVS |
In between the wacky weather, there was still girl scout cookies to sell. Anna sold 300 boxes this year, which helps fund her girl scout activities (thanks to all of the family, friends, and neighbors who purchased from her). Last weekend was spent outside of a local CVS with a cold wind blowing selling the remaining cookies. At one point, Dad had to be called in to deliver extra coats and hot chocolate (she did sell 40 boxes of cookies). Fortunately cookie season has ended (well except for the accounting side, which Theresa is helping the troop with). In the meantime, we are looking forward to a true spring.