Lincoln's Birthday and a local Brexit

Lincoln's cottage
Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday.  What better way to celebrate than a trip to Lincoln's summer cottage on the grounds of the Soldiers' Home.  Actually, Anna thought of several other things she would rather be doing.  Alas....her parents held the majority vote, so off to Northeast DC the family went.

Lincoln's cottage was where his family spent the summer months.  It is about 3 miles north of the White House and was considered the country back in the day.  The cottage was renovated and opened to the public a few years ago.  It sits on the grounds of the soldiers home for retired veterans, which was also open at the time the Lincolns stayed there.  There are currently 500 veterans on the grounds.  It was a great tour and definitely a place worth visiting the next time you are in DC.  For more details, check it out at:

Statue of Lincoln & his horse
 A visit to the cottage was a good diversion for Anna after a very sad event - her friend Ruby's return to Great Britain.  Ruby and her family moved in around the corner about a year and a half ago.  She is also in 5th grade and over the summer she and Anna became quite good friends.    Ruby came to the U.S. for her Mom's job (not to mention her Dad is a U.S. citizen).  Her Mom wanted to return home to her family and a different job, so they packed up to head home.  Anna was very sad to say the least.  Hopefully they can stay in touch.  In the meantime, Anna is already planning her trip to Great Britain.  She claims she can fly by herself.  Her parents thought perhaps her first solo flight should be to Ohio to see Grandma and Grandpa.

In the midst of everything, Storm continues to entertain the family.  He is definitely Anna's dog and is happy to do whatever if he gets to hang out with her.  Over the weekend, Anna put him on the trampoline and proceeded to jump with him.  Will Storm skateboard next?  St
Anna & Ruby enjoying lunch

Storm on the trampoline


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