
Showing posts from November, 2016

Thanksgiving at Deep Creek Lake

Courtney, Rod, Tim, Grandpa, Theresa, Anna, Aidyn & Grandma This was the year for the bi-annual Kohler Thanksgiving tradition:  a family trip to Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.  The Kohler clan converged at the holiday house the day before Thanksgiving  to give thanks, enjoy being together (or at least realize why  it would be a bad idea to live together for more than 3 days) and most the Ohio State versus Michigan game (this proved to be more exciting than imagined).  New to the trip this year was Storm, who made his debut with the Kohlers.  It is quite possible that he had the best time of anyone after a long weekend of non-stop attention and secret treats from Grandma and Grandpa (Storm tasted a lot of sausage and bacon).  He was also excited that Aunt Courtney brought her chihuahua, Bitsy.  Bitsy, however, was not nearly as excited about Storm, who proceeded to follow her around most of the weekend.  Storm also got to sleep in the same room with Aidyn and A

Vienna Jammers in Atlantic City

Vienna Jammers in Atlantic City Atlantic City here we come!  Anna's first trip to Atlantic City was a memorable one as she got to perform with the Vienna Jammers at the Atlantic City convention center for a national music teacher conference.  This was the Jammers' first performance outside of the greater Vienna area and they were a big hit. Taking over 60 kids on a four-hour bus ride along with LOTS of music equipment is no easy feat.  There is a small army of parents that coordinate this, which involves an enterprise rental truck (to load steal drums) and packing numerous marimbas, two drum sets, speakers, cabling, sound system, etc.....under the two buses.  Getting to the conference was one thing, but the director, Mr. Reynolds, added a fun side trip to Philadelphia on the way home for cheesesteak and a ghost tour of Philly historic sites.  It was a full day. The buses departed at 7 AM on Saturday morning.  Theresa decided to join in the fun (its not e