Another soccer season has come and gone. Anna was fortunate to continue with Coach Tom and Coach Dad for the fall soccer season. There were a few new players on the team, but many of Anna's friends returned for the season. The Red Lobsters finished the season 2-2-4 (that's right - there were 4 tie games).

The girls were excited to play in their first tournament on the last Saturday of the season. Well, they were excited until they realized the game started at 8 AM on a Saturday morning (Coach Joe was not that excited about that start time). Anna is definitely not a morning person and the coach has learned not to start her in any game before 10 AM. It was also the coldest and windiest game of the year.
Needless to say, not to many girls were that upset when they lost the game. Fortunately hot chocolate and doughnuts were waiting for them afterwards followed by a brief awards ceremony. Anna received the "Fleet Feet" award for her speed on the field (she can turn it on when she wants to). The girls gained some new skills (as did the referees - many of whom were in their first season) and really played well as a team.
Coach Tom giving Anna instructions |
Coach Tom is already planning some winter practices to get the girls ready for the spring season. Thanks to Coach Tom, Coach George, and Coach Dad for a fun soccer season!