New York Thanksgiving - 2015

Thanksgiving with the Fagellas It was a glorious warm Thanksgiving Day for 2015 - perfect for a drive north on I-95 to New York. Uncle John, Aunt Yvonne, and Deborah were hosting the Fagella family festivities and several of the Fagellas were able to make the trip. Anna and family started out early Thanksgiving morning in an effort to avoid the traffic. Thanks to the early arrival, everyone got to enjoy the beautiful 70 degree weather at Liberty State Park in New Jersey. The views of the city were spectacular. Anna thought the large playground at the park was even more spectacular. It was a great way to enjoy the afternoon. Deborah, Andrew, James, Luke & Anna After a tranquil visit to the park, we rejoined the traffic masses and headed to Uncle John's house. After some quality time waiting to get over the GW Bridge (where we were greeted by the sight of police officers with M-16s - you gotta love the increased terrorism threat level), ...