Anna, Grandma & Grandpa |
It was a big weekend for Anna....and Grandma & Grandpa who made the trip from Ohio for Grandparents Day and Anna's 1st Communion.
Friday was Grandparents Day at school, which meant that Grandma & Grandpa got dropped off in the carpool line with Anna and visited her classroom. After mass, which included a substitute priest with a strong accent that no grandparent present could understand, the grandparents were treated to brunch sponsored by the PTO. The morning concluded with the Spring Fling Concert, which was a tribute to the Beetles (each grade sang a different Beetles song). Anna's grade sang
I Wanna Hold Your Hand while the entire school sang
Let It Be. Grandma & Grandpa enjoyed seeing Anna in action at school as well as meeting all of the grandparents (we believe that Grandpa may have met 96% of the grandparents present).

Anna was thrilled to have her grandparents at school and was up extra early on Friday morning to get ready. Actually, she was up at 6 AM so she could win a race with Grandpa on dressing first (Grandpa knows that Anna likes to take her time to get ready in the morning). Grandpa threw down the challenge the night before. Both he and Anna laid out their clothes so they would be ready. Anna was dressed at 6:10 AM and woke Grandpa to let him know that she won (this is definitely the fastest Anna was ever ready for school).
Grandma and Grandpa got to enjoy Friday night soccer practice and Anna's Saturday morning game. Anna was on a role and received the MVP award for practice followed by the hustle award at Saturday's game (clearly the grandparents are good to have at games). After the game, Grandpa and Dad completed a drainage project on the yard while Grandma, Anna, & Mom enjoyed a little shopping. Anna concluded the day by watching the movie
Frozen with Grandma (this is probably the 5th time Anna has seen it....the first for Grandma). Grandpa fell asleep.
May 4 1st Communion @ 8:15 Mass |
Sunday was 1st Communion and Anna was up early again to get ready for the 8:15 AM mass. Rather than having one mass, the kids are split among all of the masses for the next two weekends. Anna had lots of practice opportunities at school and at rehearsal earlier in the week, so she was ready to go. She was also selected for the presentation of flowers to the statue of Mary following communion. She was quite happy when the entire ceremony was over....especially when she got to change clothes.
After brunch, Grandma and Grandpa hit the road in the afternoon for the trip home. A big thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for making the trip out and for all of the help with the yard. It was beautiful weekend filled with a lot of great memories for Anna!
Anna &Mrs. Gorog, her 2nd grade teacher |
Rebecca, Anna & Samantha |
Ellie, Anna, Petra & Molly |