Anna's 7th Birthday

Anna's 7th Birthday
September 3 marked Anna's 7th birthday.  Anna celebrated in style with a week full of festivities.

The celebration began on Labor Day with a party at the pool.  The pool celebration marked several events, including the last day of the season for the pool, a welcome to the neighborhood for Anna's friend Aidan who just moved in, Anna's birthday (September 3) and Aidan's birthday (September 4).  Thanks to the hot weather, the pool was packed.  Anna got to celebrate with several of her swim team friends and Aidan got to meet some kids from his 1st grade class.  The best part for Anna was probably the 4+ hours she spent in the pool.  It was a great end to the summer season.

Tuesday, September 3 was the official birthday celebration for Anna.  She enjoyed a special birthday hat at school along with a present from her teacher.  That night, Anna and Charley joined the birthday dinner celebration (Anna picked gnocchi for her birthday dinner).  Everyone enjoyed cake and ice cream along with some birthday presents.
Pool party with Aidan

The big party was September 7.  This year, 14 of Anna's friends came over to the house for Anna's backwards birthday celebration.  Grandpa, Grandma, and Grandma's friend, Mary Lou made the trip from Ohio to join in the festivities (Theresa was VERY thankful for their help).  The backwards party included the following:

  • Dressing backwards (kudos to Grandpa on that one)
  • Greeting guests with "thanks for coming!  hope you had a good time!"
  • Backwards names on name tags
  • Backwards games (Goose, Goose, Duck; backwards musical chairs, backwards fashion show, etc...)
  • Singing "Happy Birthday" backwards
  • Eating upside down  cupcakes under the table

Charley, Anna & Anna
The girls had a great time with lots of singing and dancing.  A big thanks to Grandma, Grandpa, and Mary Lou for making the trip and helping with the party!  Thanks to all the family and friends who remembered Anna's special day!  She had fun.

Grandpa, Anna, & Grandma in their backwards attire

Enjoying cake under the table

Anna & her friend Sofia


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