Skiing at Wisp |
Anna had a 3-day weekend, thanks to a teacher meeting at school, so Mom & Dad decided to take a 3-day weekend as well and head to Deep Creek Lake, Maryland for a little spring skiing. Thanks to mid-week storm, better known as "snowquestor in Washington," there was plenty of fresh powder along with a warm, sunny day on Saturday which equaled great skiing.
Snow obstacle course for Dad |
Anna, confident in her new skiing abilities learned over the Christmas holidays, was excited to go skiing again. Mom was anxious to try out her new ski boots, a birthday gift from Joe in hopes of relieving Theresa from the pain of rental boots. Anna took one look at the bunny slope and decided it was MUCH bigger than the hill in Massachusetts and refused to go (try explaining the concept of steepness of a hill to a 6 year old). After much cajoling, she finally went to to the top, held onto her Mom while skiing down - and promptly fell down. Tears ensued followed by a 1 1/2 hour stand-off. Joe and Theresa took turns skiing down the mountain while one stayed behind with a sullen Anna. Finally, Dad negotiated a deal and Anna went down the hill again - VERY slowly. By the afternoon, she didn't want to leave the hill and spent the entire time skiing down. A good afternoon was had by all - complete with sunburn.
Anna & Sarah coming up the neighborhood snow/mud hill. |
Anna also was able to ice skate on Friday afternoon and spent Sunday morning playing on the snow piles in the parking lot, where she had a great time building an obstacle course for her Dad (this much better than the 4 inches of wet snow we received in Northern Virginia earlier in the week). We concluded the weekend by returning to 65 degree weather in Virginia. Hopefully this is the end of winter and beginning of spring!