Spring Break @ Grandma & Grandpa's House
Anna got to spend her spring break at a fun-filled location with endless activities, daily presents, numerous shopping opportunities, and someone to wait on her hand and foot. No, it wasn't a resort.....it was Grandma and Grandpa's house, which is one of Anna's favorite vacation destinations. For the first time, Anna got to spend an entire week with her grandparents.
The trip started Easter weekend, when Anna and her Mom flew into Ohio. Since it was a quick trip, Joe headed to New York to catch up with his family. The first night, Anna stayed at Uncle Rod's house where she got to hang out with cousin Aidyn. They had a great time playing with Aidyn's race tracks, train tracks, and playing with monster trucks in the sandbox. They also had an inflatable punching bag, which only resulted in minor injuries to Anna. They colored easter eggs with Grandma, and hunted easter eggs with Grandpa. Grandma made a big easter dinne
Grandma and Grandpa had lots of activities planned. Anna spent a lot of time swinging in the backyard, despite the cold. She learned to jump rope (Grandma & Grandpa's arms were tired from swinging the rope). She went shopping and got a new summer wardrobe AND rode the double-decker carousel at the mall (very impressive). She went to the library with Grandma and rode the toy tractor all around with Grandpa. At the end of the week, Grandma and Grandpa drove her all the way back to Virginia in time for her soccer game.
As for Joe and Theresa, they found the house to be very quiet without Anna. They went out for a couple of dinners followed by a romantic shopping trip to Lowe's and returned in time to call Anna. When Theresa told Anna that the house was quiet without her, Anna replied "Mommy, just turn some music on." Clearly homesickness was not a problem.
The weather in Virginia was spectacular for the weekend. Grandma and Grandparents got to watch Anna's soccer game (after a team vote, the girls decided their name is "The Big Purple Balls.") Grandpa helped complete numerous yard projects while Grandma and Theresa caught up with friends. Sunday was spent at the National Arboretum where they have one of the largest azalea displays in the country AND it was in peak bloom. Gorgeous. Late in the afternoon, the grandparents started back for Ohio.
Anna is going through grandparent withdrawal. After a week of non-stop attention, it is back to reality. The day already included a couple of stand-offs. It is going to be a long week.
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for a great week and for making the drive all the way back.