Bubble Cousins
It was a lovely weekend to escape to the mountains of Western Maryland and meet up with the Kohler family to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. Although the winter was a record warm one, there was still enough snow for some of the Kohlers to hit the slopes for a little skiing. Some hit the slopes a bit more literally than others.
Grandma was particularly happy about the mild winter. She is still having nightmares from the last March trip to Deep Creek Lake after a record snowfall when they nearly became stuck in a snowbank trying to get to the rental house. Of course if you are going to get stuck in a car in the snow, you want it to be Grandma's as she usually is traveling with the contents of a small super market in the back. This year was no exception as she brough
Anna had a great time playing with her cousin Aidyn. They played nearly non-stop the entire time. Anna is now well versed on playing with cars and the appropriate sounds they make as well as learning to drive remote control cars. She also got a taste of what it may be like to have a little brother as Aidyn followed her everywhere asking her what she was doing. Aidyn learned how Anna gets her hair done and why girls wear dresses ("you look good Anna" was his comment). Both Anna and Aidyn got a surprise from Grandma every day, which of course was smartly the same thing for both of them. Courtney let them play on her IPad, where Anna learned how to play Angry Birds. The highlight of the day was bath t
Grandma and Grandpa had a good time entertaining the grandchildren. Grandma is teaching Anna to sew - something Anna has taken an interest in (Theresa is very excited about this and is encouraging Grandma to teach Anna as MUCH as possible). Grandpa is a landlord's dream as he proceeded to fix various things around the house all weekend.
Joe, Theres
In addition to the skiing, the group also got to enjoy the nice weather at Swallow Falls State park followed by the requisite trip to Wal-Mart.
The rest of the weekend revolved around food. The most important food at a Kohler event is dessert and
There are always memorable moments with Grandma when everyone gets together, and this trip was not exception. Saturday morning Grandma mistook her hairspray bottle for the eyeglass cleaner. Let's just say her glass still are not the same.
It was a great weekend in the mountains for everyone. Happy Birthday to Grandpa on March 14!