The Big Cheese!
Anna got to spend the week of March 19 as the "Big Cheese" in her class. As we all know, being the big cheese comes with all sorts of privileges and responsibilities.
Each week, someone in the class gets to be the big cheese. For one entire week, you get to be the line leader, wear a special hat, sit in the special chair, bring in some of your favorite things to show the class, and make a poster about yourself, including your family and things you like to do. You can also have family members come in and visit the class. Mom and Dad got to make a special "guest reader" appearance in Anna's class.
Anna listed her favorite thing to do as hopscotch and her favorite food as spaghetti and red sauce. She took in her stuffed snowman, some of her trains, and lots of books. Ironically, the kitty pillow was not mentioned on the poster or for show and tell (and we know this is truly her favorite thing). Mom was guest reader on Thursday and read Peeping Beauty to the class. Anna had to show her the proper way to read to the class and hold the book so everyone could see the pictures. Dad was guest reader on Friday and got to read 3 books, including Hiccupotomas, about a hippo who can't get rid of the hiccups. At the end of the story, the hippo is cured to which one of the other animals exclaims "its a miracle." One of Anna's classmat
Anna also had her monthly Daisy Scout troop meeting last week. The theme this time was positions of authority. The craft was to make a sock puppet of someone with authority. Anna made a puppet of her mom because "she works for the government." Theresa is contemplating taking the puppet to the office to see if she can gain any more authority that way.
Anna had a great week as the Big Cheese. Mom and Dad are contemplating reading her the book "Who Moved My Cheese," but there is probably lots of time for those lessons. The next big event is Easter and spring break at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Stay tuned!