Happy 5th Birthday!
Anna celebrated her 5th birthday on September 3 with a party at Glyndon park in Vienna, Virginia. Several of her friends from school joined in the festivities along with other family friends.
Having a party at the park seemed like a good idea at the time and all week the weather forecast looked great for Saturday morning. When Saturday arrived, thunderstorms were forecasted for the afternoon. Aunt Gayle arrived to help get things ready for the event. Just as we pulled up to the shelter house at the park, it started to thunder. The rest of the morning was spent with the threat of rain with an occasional shower. The kids did not mind at all and enjoyed the playground between showers. Theresa spent the time praying to the rain gods to hold off until 1 PM. On the plus side, at least there was no hurricane for the weekend.
The second problem was the directions for the guests. Apparently the invite incorrectly listed the address as north instead of south, resulting in a good portion of the guests arriving at someone's house rather than the park. Everyone did make it
The sun did come out in the afternoon (after the party of course), so Anna was able to enjoy the swimming pool one more time before it closed for the season. She really came a long way this summer and can now swim under water be herself. She is still learning to swim on top of the water and has invented her own stroke, which she refers to as the doodle swim (we really can't explain it....you need to see it).
It was a great 5th birthday for Anna. A big thanks to all of t