1st Day of Kindergarten
Today Anna is officially a kindergartener! She was very excited about her first day. She was spinning around the house this morning in her new uniform. When it was time for Mom and Dad to drop her off, she signed her name at the door and marched off to her table without so much as a goodbye to her parents. Clearly she knows the drill with school.
Mom and Dad have some things to learn. First lesson is the carpool line. Catholic schools are noted for their rules and the carpool line is no exception. Joe spent 30 minutes in line attempting to pick Anna up today (major traffic jam in the parking lot). The next lesson will be packing nutrious lunches that Anna will eat. Anna has half day kindergarten this week and will begin full days next week.
This week she will be spending the afternoon at Ms. Be's. Today when she arrived, the other kids were sleeping. Anna changed out of her unifor