Happy Easter!

It was beautiful Easter in Northern Virginia with sunny skies and 84 degrees. It was a perfect day to hunt Easter eggs.

The festivities began the day before with the making of the lamb cake (a Kohler tradition) and the Easter bread (a Fagella tradition). The Easter bread became a true family project for the day with Theresa & Anna mixing, Joe kneading, Theresa punching dough, Joe/Anna making ropes, and Theresa braiding. The bread was a big improvement over last year, with only one loaf that did not bake properly. Joe was more excited on Easter morning about the Easter bread than Anna was about the Easter bunny.

After 10 AM mass, we headed home to hunt Easter eggs in the yard. We spent the afternoon at Kristy & Greg's house for a delicious dinner and another Easter egg hunt. Anna was also the recpient of a bubble blowing machine, which she had a great time with.

The evening ended with a thunderstorm. Theresa's grandmother use to say if it rained on Easter Sunday, it would rain for the next seven Sundays. She would also say that whatever direction the wind comes from on Easter sunday will be the prevailing wind for the summer. We will see if it holds true.


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