Stage Fright...or Balloon Fright?
August 21, 2010 marked the a major milestone for Anna: her ballet stage debut. Well, it wasn't really a stage but rather a bunch of small chairs lined up in a small studio with dozens of adoring parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles with cameras. The performers: 10 ballerinas, ages 3-4 (you have to give a lot of credit to the ballet instructor who is able to get 3 & 4 year olds to do anything that remotely resembles ballet). Aunt Loren and Aunt Mary had driven all the way down from New York for Anna's ballet debut. Unfortunately, Anna had other ideas.
After arriving at the studio, Anna took one look at the crowd and ran to her Mom. Mom walked her in to get her costume, but Anna wanted nothing to do with it and ran back to her Mom crying. The teacher managed to coax Anna back in for the beginning of the performance...briefly. While the rest of the dancers were doing pilates, Anna dashed out of the room and back to her Mom. Of course part of the reason for this quick departure may have been the sight of Aun
t Mary, Aunt Loren, and her Dad lined up doing exagerated plies in an attempt to get Anna to do it (you really had to see it to fully appreciate it). When the performance was finally over, Anna informed her Mom that she was afraid the balloons were going to pop (there were several balloons in the room and for some reason Anna seems to be afraid of popping balloons). Upon returning home, Anna did the entire performance for Aunt Loren and Aunt Mary in the basement.
In the mean time, Anna had a great weekend with her Aunts along with her cousin James and his friend Patrick. Anna was particularly attached to James and Patrick, who played games and watched movies with her.
Anna took the opportunity to demonstrate her vocabulary prowess to her Aunts.
Aunt Loren: "Anna, would you like some melon?"
Anna: "Aunt Loren, that's not melon. It's cantelope."
Anna also informed her Aunts that she has a boyfriend.
Aunt Mary: "Anna, do you have a boyfriend?
Anna: "uh huh"
Aunt Mary: "What's his name?"
Anna: "Daddy"
Aunt Mary took Anna swimming on Friday night and tried to demonstrate how to hold a tea party at the bottom of the swimming pool. Much to her surprise, she could no longer do this. Anna was more impressed with Aunt Mary's ability to make Anna run on water.
It was a great weekend. Aunt Loren and Aunt Mary have pledged to come back for future recitals....once Anna has proven the ability to peform in public.