Happy Easter!
It was a spectacular Easter Sunday, complete with sunny skies and 80 degree temperatures. We enjoyed the holiday weekend with some family traditions, which mostly involved food.
Saturday morning we decided to make Easter Bread. This is a Fagella family tradition and one that we had not embarked on before. This became an all day affair that began at 9:30 AM and involved lots of flour and several phone calls to Aunt Mary. Suddenly at the end of the process (around 9 PM), Joe seemed to recall several important tips for how to make the bread, which would have been useful around 10 AM. We m
ade it through and thought we did pretty good until we saw pictures of Aunt Lucy's easter bread which looked professionally done (hmmm....). Our bread was edible, albeit a bit weak on the presentation piece.
The Kohler family tradition is the lamb cake (that would be a cake in the shape of a lamb). Theresa's grandmother use to make this for Easter and her birthday. Since Theresa now has her grandmother's cake pan (complete with instructions), she and Anna made their first lambcake. It came out great and Anna enjoyed helping. More importantly, it took far less time than the bread. Maybe next year we can spend Easter at Aunt Mary's or Aunt Lucy's. We know they will have Easter bread. We'll bring the lamb cake.
We kicked off Easter Sunday with a morning at church in our Easter finest, followed by a breakfast of Easter bread. By this time, Anna discovered her Easter basket which contained Emily and Toby the trains (part of the Thomas the Train collection). She was
more excited about the trains than the candy and played with them all day. She also enjoyed an Easter egg hunt in the yard. It was a nice, relaxing day and we enjoyed the great weather.