A Belated Wedding Celebration
Anna got to make a trip to New York to visit the Fagella family and celebrate her Cousin Joey's wedding. That's right....there is another Mrs. Joe Fagella (or Angela as we like to call her). There will also be a new baby Fagella this summer. We suggest "Isabella" if it is a girl since we did not use that one.
Anna had a great time playing with her cousins, who raced her, taught her to play bocci, and took her to the playground among other things. Anna was particularly attached to her cousin Andrew, and followed him around for a large part of the event. All involved we
re exhausted by the end of the evening (especially Andrew who ran roughly 50 sprints up a hilly driveway for Anna). In addition, everyone enjoyed delicious food along with wedding party music (courtesy of Aunt Mary) and good company.
A big thanks to Aunt Yvonne and Uncle John for a great party! Congratulations Angela and Joey!