December Snowstorm
I'm dreaming of a white christmas....well not any more thanks to the record storm that dumped almost 2 feet of snow on the Greater Washington area Saturday. This is actually a bigger problem than a terrorist attack in DC and the fun began Friday evening.
Since the storm was somewhat of a surprise without the usual two weeks of excited weather forecasters giving plenty of warning AND it is the weekend before Christmas, the end result was massive traffic. Theresa discovered this first hand when it took her twice as long to come home from work, thanks to back-ups around any place near a grocery store or shopping mall.
The storm started Friday night and everyone awoke to a good 6 inches already on the ground. Joe grabbed the shovel and went to work on what would become an all-day battle against nature.
The big event for Saturday was Santa's visit to our neighborhood com
munity center. We are told that normally Santa arrives on an antique fire truck and goes up and down the neighborhood streets. This year Santa arrived in a 4-wheel drive truck directly at the community center - no parade. We attempted to drive to the community center; however, we barely made up the hill only to find an unplowed parking lot. Theresa dropped off Joe and Anna and returned home, only to have difficulty getting up the driveway. After some shoveling and kitty litter on the driveway (along with entertaining the retirees across the street), she made it in and hiked back to the community center, which was packed with snow weary parents and kids. There were crafts for kids followed by Christmas carols and Santa's arrival. Santa brought Anna a new Christmas book. After the festivities, we hiked home in the snowstorm. Unfortunately, Anna was sick with a cold and very much under the weather.
The rest of the Saturday was spent shoveling, with Joe & Theresa alternating turns. Thanks to the neighbor and his snow blower, our walks were clear. Unfortunately, it appears we will not see a snowplow any time soon thanks to our hilly street. We may be stuck for a couple of days.
Sunday, Anna was feeling better so we put on our snowpants and headed out. Anna made snow angels, dug holes in the snow, including a snow tunnel, and slid down the driveway on her snow tube (something Joe & Theresa did as well). Joe and Theresa also put on the cross country skis and headed through the neighborhood. We watched our neighbors who built a snow ramp in their yard for sleds. Today was a great snow day. Apparently the snow day will extend into tomorrow as the Federal Government in Washington is closed, thanks to metro not running. More sledding tomorrow!