Happy Halloween!
Since this is our first year in the neighborhood, we had not attended the neighborhood Halloween parade and party before. The parade was slated to begin at4 PM on October 24; however, due to the continuous rain was postponed until October 25. What Mom and Dad failed to notice was that the time changed to 3 PM, thus we missed the parade. Anna was able to make it for the end of the party (better late than never).
October 28 was the annual Vienna Halloween parade, which apparently is the biggest event in Vienna all year. We managed to get the right time for the parade and watched the local parades, floats, and politicians along with kids in Halloween costumes.
Friday Anna wore her Halloween costume to Ms. Be's place for another Halloween party, complete with trick-or-treating (stay tuned for more pictures from that one). In order to complete the costume, Anna informed her Mom that she needed curls for princess hair. Thus began Anna's first bea
uty session with rollers.
Finally, the week concluded with pumpkin carving and trick-or-treat around the neighborhood. The temperature was in the 70s but the princess needed her umbrella. Anna definitely has the hang of trick-or-treat this year and was counting her candy when she returned. Her favorite part of trick-or-treating was not the candy, but ringing the doorbell at houses.
A big thanks to Grandma for an awesome Halloween costume!