Columbus Day Weekend with Aunt Mary
....and Uncle Joe and Cousin James who braved the New York traffic to make it down to Washington for a visit. As always, Aunt Mary came bearing gifts, including princess accessories for Anna's hair, stickers, and stamps. James led the stamping effort as well as entertaining Anna with building blocks and demolition.
While Dad, Uncle Joe, and James headed to the Air & Space museum by the airport (we hear that Uncle Joe was mistaken for a museum employee due to his vast knowledge of aircraft). Anna helped Aunt Mary bake a cake and the girls headed to Burke Lake Park where they enjoyed a train ri
de, carousel ride and some ice cream. The afternoon was topped off by a visit to Wegman's (if you have been there you will understand why this is a tourist event). Incidently, Aunt Mary found some Anna size baking pans at Wegman's. In the meantime, Uncle Joe made it back to the house in time to watch the Redskins lose yet another game (being a Jet fan, he was sympathetic to Washington's plight).
Aunt Mary and company returned to New York (and better football teams) on Monday. A big thanks to Aunt Mary, Uncle Joe, and Cousin James to stopping by for a visit!