Maine Getaway
After a busy summer, Mom and Dad decided it was time for a much needed vacation. After years of discussing it, an article in the Washington Post
(, and record low lobster prices, it was decided that a quiet week in Maine sounded like a good idea. With that, the family hopped on a plane (anything more than a 4 hour drive w
ith a 3 year old is not a good way to start a vacation) and headed North.
At first we were unsure how we were going to make it for the week without bringing all of our stuff. You may recall our Outerbanks trips in which we pack so much in the car that there is barely enough room for Anna. Not only were we limited to two suitcases BUT the suitcases also needed to be under 50 lbs (we squeaked by at 49.5 lbs). Somehow we managed and realized that we can survive without all of our stuff.
The week could not have been nicer. First there was the quaint waterfront cottage with a lovely deck for viewing the sailboats. Second there was the weather, which was sunny all week with temperatures around 70 degrees. Finally, there was the delicious seafood. Anna was more interested in hot dogs than lobster, but she did enjoy watching the lobsters before they were cooked. We also enjoyed a day at Acadia National Park, although this may have been the longest day for Anna. By Thursday, Anna was asking to go back to Ms. Be's to play with her friends (Mom and Dad are only fun for so long).
It was a great trip and we enjoyed "staying in someone else's house" and using "someone else's car" as Anna put it. We will be happy to use someone else's house in Maine anytime!