Comments on the Shed Renovation/Grandparent Visit

First - It is important to note that not only did Joe and Grandpa put new siding on the shed, but they also put a new roof on AND had to take a tree down (see photo). Joe was able to use his new chainsaw for that exercise. Apparently the writer of the blog failed to emphasize the complexities involved in renovating the shed, including the fact that the structure was not square, forcing Grandpa to recalculate the angles and cuts. Further complicating matters was the fact that they left a bag of supplies at the Home Depot check-out, resulting in Theresa being dispatched to retrieve the goods.
Second - one of the activies that Anna helped Grandma with was cookie baking (see photo). Grandma taught her how to crack an egg.

On another note, this weekend began with a rock concert on the Vienna Town Green. Anna and Charley joined us for the festivities, which included a stop at the Whole Foods (aka "Whole Paycheck") food bar for a picnic dinner. Anna and Charley took over grandparent duties and proceeded to spoil Little Anna for the evening. Little Anna came home and is now demanding that we refer to her as "princess." (no joke). It is going to be a long weekend.......

On another note, this weekend began with a rock concert on the Vienna Town Green. Anna and Charley joined us for the festivities, which included a stop at the Whole Foods (aka "Whole Paycheck") food bar for a picnic dinner. Anna and Charley took over grandparent duties and proceeded to spoil Little Anna for the evening. Little Anna came home and is now demanding that we refer to her as "princess." (no joke). It is going to be a long weekend.......