Happy Easter from Ohio
The Easter Bunny stopped in Ohio this year. Anna spent a long Easter weekend celebrating with Grandma and Grandpa. As always, Grandma and Grandpa provided non-stop entertainment, complete with easter egg coloring, games, puzzles, more games, etc.... In short, Anna was the center of attention, which is her idea of a great vacation.
Part of the fun is the plane ride to Ohio, which Anna really enjoys. This was her first plane ride with her own seat (Mom and Dad decided it had become too difficult to pass her off as a 23 month old, particularly after she informed the stewardess that she was "two years old"). The most exciting part of the plane ride this time was going to the bathroom at 25,000 feet. Mom was the lucky one that got to take Anna on this adventure (imagine trying to squeeze into a 3 foot closet with a two year old while holding your nose, diseinfecting w
hat you can all while trying to balance through turbulence). Anna enjoyed it so much that she wanted to go back to the bathroom....an idea Mom immediately vetoed. After a short flight, Grandma and Grandpa picked everyone up at the Dayton airport and shuttled the group to Paulding.

One of the best parts of visiting Grandma and Grandpa for Mom and Dad is the luxury of sleeping in. Fortunately for them, Grandma and Grandpa get up before Anna does and are all too happy to entertain her while Mom and Dad catch up on some extra sleep. Uncle Rod joined in the weekend festivities, which included some great meals courtesy of Grandma, an Easter egg hunt (the eggs were left by an Easter Bunny that looked a lot like Grandpa), and a visit with Great Grandpa Kohler. The Easter egg hunt brought back some found memories for Uncle Rod, who recalled getting up at 6 AM to scout out the egg locations prior too his sister getting up so that he could get the most eggs. He tried pass his Easter egg hunting skills on to Anna, who really needed more assistance with not cracking the eggs when she put them in the basket.
Grandma and Grandpa regrettably took Anna back to the airport on Sunday night. With all the activities of Easter Sunday, Anna did not get much of a nap which was a great cause of concern for Mom & Dad. Anna talked the entire way to the airport and was particularly excited when Grandma drove by signs for "Anna, Ohio." There was Anna's name on the water tower! Fortunately, Anna was good on the plane and fell asleep on the plane ride home. The trip concluded with a mad dash through Dulles airport as Dad was forced to chase down a women who had mistakenly grabbed his carry-on bag.
Today it was back to Ms. Be's for Anna. Anna did not receive a good report from Ms. Be today. Apparently she did not want to share and was insistent on being the center of attention all day. Hmmmm......whatever would make her do that?????
Hunting Easter Eggs with Uncle Rod & Dad
