Spring at the Farm
It was a lovely spring Sunday, so mom and dad decided to take a break from house projects (and mom needed a break from being sick) to visit Frying Pan Farm Park. Who knew that Fairfax County Virginia had a working farm park, complete with farm animals, tractor rides, playgrounds, and lots of horses? Anna enjoyed watching the sheep, cows, chickens, goats and especially the baby pigs. She kept looking for the elephants and lions, which Mom and Dad explained were not traditional farm animals. Everyone enjoyed a ride around the farm in a wagon and watching the equestrian events. The trip concluded with some quality time at the playground and a hotdog. What a great day! Mom thought this was such a great idea that maybe they should have a park l
ike this in Ohio. Dad reminded mom that a farm park was not such a unique idea in Ohio given the fact that there are farms everywhere (good point). Northern Virginia kids rarely encounter farm animals on a daily basis.
For more information on the park, check out the web site at: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/fpp/