Family Room - Take 3
After studying the newly painted family room for the past month with three yellow walls and one blue wall, Mom and Dad decided that it wasn't quite right. They also realized that perhaps they needed some outside assistance, so they called in the person they knew would be the most excited about decorating: Aunt Mary. Aunt Mary may be a renowned cardiac nurse and researcher by day, but she moonlights as a decorator (just ask Uncle Joe). Unfortunately Aunt Mary lives in New York, so all consultations were conducted via phone and e-mail. The end result was a lovely green and blue room with curtains that pull the whole things together (
Mom & Dad would never have picked this on their own and the end result is great). Aunt Mary says the chair needs to go, so that will be the next project.
Saturday was a rainy day - perfect for a third round of painting. Mom and Dad headed to the paint store again and are practically on a first name basis with all of the employees. Anna enjoys looking at all the color samples. Unfortunately, this trip to the paint store was a little more memorable than most. As Mom and Dad began the great paint color debate, Anna announced that she went pee - and there was a large puddle on the floor as evidenced (note - Mom & Dad did take her before leaving for the paint store). Dad secured paper towels from the lady behind the counter and apologized while Mom took Anna to the Rite-Aid next store to clean up. Anna had created a very large puddle, which meant that EVERYTHING was wet - including pants, socks and shoes. When they got to Rite-Aid, the women's bathroom was out of order so Mom & Anna needed to clean up in the Men's Room. While Mom & Anna were in the stall, a man came in to use the bathroom. Mom was trying to be quiet so that he would not realize there were girls in the men's bathroom, when Anna exclaimed " Mamma - I have a BIG POOP." Needless to say, the man hustled out (and Mom hustled too carrying Anna who had no pants, shoes, or socks and only a clean pair of "big girl" pants).
Mom and Anna waited in the car while Dad consulted with the paint lady and emerged with the new family room color. Mom and Anna headed to Target so that Dad could start painting. The project was finished during Anna's nap. Today, the curtains went up. All that we need is a few pictures and some book cases and the room will be complete.
Thanks to Aunt Mary for all of her decorating consulations!