
Showing posts from November, 2024

Fall Break

 Anna has arrived home for fall break, which for her means that she has the week of Thanksgiving off.  She made it home on Thursday night (no class on Friday) thanks to a ride from one of her high school friends.  She arrived to be greeted by Benny, who was the only one home as Joe & Theresa were at a concert.  Joe told her later that her parents were busy every night of the week and had joined a bowling league, been out dancing, played darts, went to concerts.... really she was lucky Benny was home.  😄 Anna has all sorts of tales from the first semester of college life.  An overall theme is fire alarms going off several times a week (usually in the middle of the night) thanks to people smoking/vaping (one would think they would learn).  There also seems to be an appreciation for those basic life skills, like cleaning up after yourself (ask her about the communal kitchen).  She has her roller skates and has been doing some skating with a friend (a point of pride for her mom &