Pandemic Weeks 147-149: Happy 2023?

The year 2023 got off to quite a start when Grandma fell on New Year's Eve while taking down Christmas decorations, resulting in a broken hip. She got the first hip surgery of the year with a repair surgery at 7:30 AM on New Year's Day. She spent a week in the hospital followed by another 4 days at the local hospital doing rehab before going home. She is making progress, albeit not as fast as she would like. Theresa spent 10 days in Ohio to help out when her mom came home. Today's photo is what Grandma aspires to do when she completes her physical therapy. While Theresa was in Ohio, both Anna and Joe ended up sick with whatever bug is going around. Anna was home sick from school and Joe was sick on his birthday. In addition, the garage door spring broke, and the garbage disposal died. It was definitely a rough week. Hopefully this week will be better....or maybe next month.