Vienna Jammers at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music

Advanced Steel at CCM One of Anna's favorite act ivities is participating in the Vienna Jammers. This is her fourth year with the group, where she performs with Advanced Steel - a steel pan drum ensemble. She had to audition to get into this group, which is made up of 8 - 12th graders. They practice on Monday nights and have a lot of fun. This year they had the opportunity to perform a concert at the University of Cincinnati's Conservatory of Music (CCM) on January 26. Check out the concert description here This wasn't just any concert. It was a joint concert with the university percussion ensemble and featured special guest percussionist Jon Bisesi. This is how the Jammers got the invitation to perform. Mr. Bisesi is a percussionist in the Marine Band and a faculty member of George Mason University's school of music. He is also a graduate of CCM......and a board member for the Vienna Jammers. That is the connection th...