End of 7th Grade

Last Day of 7th Grade Another year has flown by and Anna is officially a rising 8th grader! Anna was very excited about the end of the school year, but was most excited about her report card. This trimester she attained straight As, which resulted in achieving her real goal - getting a phone (Mom & Dad had a high bar). Stay tuned for more details in future posts about how this is going, but don't be surprised if you get a text from Anna with her new number. The last two months of school were busy as always with spring activities and end of year celebrations. Anna played soccer with her team - the Vienna Tomatoes (the girls are nothing if not creative). She joined the newly formed school volleyball team for the first time (that was definitely a learning experience). She got to play three concerts with the Vienna Jammers, including one at the Lincoln Memorial. As an added bonus, she tried out for the Advanced Jammers Steel Pan drum group...