A Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

A Fagella Family Barbecue Summer 2019 is unofficially underway with a busy Memorial Day weekend. We had the opportunity to see family and friends - and remember those who are no longer with us. We began the weekend with a trip to visit family in New York. Uncle John and Aunt Yvonne invited the Fagellas to a weekend barbecue on Saturday. Little did the know that this casual family event would turn into a full-fledged family reunion when everyone agree to come. It is rare for everyone to get together, but all of the Fagella brothers and sisters made it to New York. The Virginia Fagellas, who were determined not to get caught in traffic, set out early Saturday morning for New York and decided to spend a few hours at the New York Botanical Gardens (which happens to be near Uncle John's house) before the party started. It was a lovely day to spend wandering the gardens and stopping to smell the peonies....particularly after a 5 hour car ride. h...