2016 in Review

Normally a holiday letter goes out to some family and friends each year with an overview of what the Fagella family has been up to. The letter did not quite make it out to many folks this year, so here is the electronic version. What can we say about 2016? The general consensus is that we are happy to close the book on it – like so many others. I considered not preparing the overview this year, but that really was not the best way to handle it. After all, there were some good things in 2016. In the spirit of being thankful…..and trying to recall some of the good things….I asked our family members to list their top two things that happened in 2016. Without further ado, here is the list. Anna’s Top 2 Anna did not hesitate on her first item: a dog. After years of lobbying, pleading, and negotiating Anna is at last a dog owner. Storm joined the family at the end of May after a family friend was trying to find ...