Snochi 2014

Anna prepares to shovel (with her NY Yankees hat) A major winter storm hit Northern Virginia on February 13, dumping over 14 inches of heavy, wet snow. This can mean only one thing: Joe was in Las Vegas. It turns our that Joe has a higher accuracy rate than the National Weather Service in predicting a major winter storm. He currently has a 75% accuracy rate, thanks to the latest storm. Once again, he was "stuck in Vegas," or at least until he managed to get a later flight. Anna got to enjoy two more days off school by making a snow igloo and having a snowball fight with the neighborhood boys. She enjoyed hanging out with her friends and making Valentine cookies. She was not so excited about the packet of extra homework her teacher sent home. Theresa got a significant work-out in shoveling the heavy, wet snow. Thankfully, the neighbors (who have come to expect these sorts of things when Joe goes to Vegas) lent a hand. A big thanks...