Birthday at Ms. Be's

For those of you that were reading about Anna's 2nd birthday and thinking to yourself, "gee, Anna didn't even have a party," fear not! You can rest assured that Anna had two additional birthday celebrations courtesy of Ms. Be. The first celebration was held August 24 at a family picnic hosted by Ms. Be. August 24 happened to be Thomas' birthday (he is a couple of weeks older than Anna) so Anna and Thomas celebrated with cake and ice cream. The real treat for Anna at the picnic was not just the cake or the moonbounce with balls that Ms. Be had, but Anna's friend Brian's older 11-year old brother. Anna seemed quite taken with "Joe, Joe" and proceeded to follow-him around for most of the event. In the process, she managed to get Joe Joe to push her in the car and play basketball with her. It seems that Anna has already developed her mother's appreciation for more mature men. On August 29, Anna had her own party at Ms. Be's where she had the ...